Thursday, November 12, 2015

Evil Kid Goes on Rampage at Chuck E Cheese

This mean, evil little kid is enough to make a parent cringe as he goes on a full blown rampage at Chuck E Cheese. I'm a dad to a one year old boy. I was raised on the belt, yet I am choosing to not use that method with my own child. However, I wouldn't hesitate unbuckling my belt and laying down a few butt whoopings on this hell spawn devil child if he was my own brood. I think it would be doing society a big favor. Either way, the parents of this demon child also need a spanking. Who the heck lets their child run amok like that. I know it's a Chuck E Cheese but come'on, there's got to be some limits as to what you let your child do! So without further delay, please enjoy the video of an evil little kid going on a rampage at Chuck E Cheese.

Thanks for checking out this video of a hell-spawn child running wild at Chuck E Cheese. Please check out the other videos on this blog or drop by my YouTube channel for more fun vids.