Thursday, November 12, 2015

2 Women in a Crazy Fight at McDonalds - Butt Flash included

These two women must be off their meds to fight like this at a McDonalds. What the heck are they putting in the special sauce to cause them to meltdown and throw down like this? I'm sure the fight started over something really important like a mixed up order or cold french fries. LOL

The best part is when one of the women says, "I was trying to act like a lady!" shortly after partkaing in double team, punch McFlurry, beat down on the McDonalds employee. Nothing says you're classy lady like fighting at McDonalds with your dress up over your panties.

In the end, Police Officer Texas Walker Ranger shows up and we can only hope he gave everyone involved a super-sized order of pepper spray with a McTaser combo.

Thanks for checking out these women having a crazy fight at McDonalds. Please check out the other videos on the blog or drop by my YouTube channel for more fun vids.